Third round of vaccinations at University Vaccination Point

UW employees and their closest family members can get vaccinated against COVID-19 at the University Vaccination Point, located in the University of Warsaw Library building.

It is possible to get vaccinated until 14th June, depending on the number of available places. In case of high interest in vaccinations, additional dates for receiving the first dose, after 15th June, will be taken into consideration.

Who can register for vaccination at the University Vaccination Point?

  • full-time and part-time employees employed under an employment agreement/appointment,
  • family members of an employee entitled to use the Company Social Benefits Fund – child, spouse, parent, parent-in-law.

How to register for vaccination?

Those who want to register for vaccination are requested to fill in the form “Vaccination application organised by the University of Warsaw in cooperation with CenterMed”.

Important information:

  • Vaccinations will be administered by the CenterMed Warsaw company (“CenterMed Warszawa”), 00-630 Warsaw, 10a Waryńskiego Street.
  • Vaccination place: the University of Warsaw Library building (sports area, at -1 level), 00-312 Warsaw, 56/66 Dobra Street.
  • Detailed information regarding the organisation of vaccinations at the University Vaccination Point is available at



Data publikacji: 11 czerwca 2021

Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 15 czerwca 2021